Who can participate in GO Sing?
I have a second grader. How do I know which ensemble I should enroll my child in?
You may choose to enroll your second grader in either ensemble. We are happy to speak with you about which ensemble might be best for your child, but here are some things to consider:
1. GO Sing a Little is 45 minutes long and rehearses from 5:00-5:45 p.m., while GO Sing is 75 minutes long and rehearses from 6:00-7:15 p.m.
2. GO Sing a Little requires no reading. Children will be exposed to music notation and will learn the basics of reading music, but there is no expectation of fluent reading to participate. GO Sing moves much more quickly and fluently through music in multiple languages. Students that are not strong readers in English may be challenged with the pace of GO Sing, but with support from you to practice diligently with the provided learning tracks, second graders have been very successful in rising to the challenge in the past.
3. GO Sing a Little performs two times a year with emphasis placed on playing through music. GO Sing puts a much higher emphasis on learning choral repertoire and going into the community to perform throughout the year.